Wednesday, May 29, 2013

7 facts about learning

  1. Learning to write and speak well enables your child to better appreciate and understand what others have written and to develop confidence in communicating his own ideas. 
  2. Reading great literature gives children the opportunity to enter exciting worlds, to meet heroic characters, and to consider what could be. 
  3. While studying the classics of yesterday and today, students not only improve their thinking and communication skills, but also learn important moral lessons, lessons they can use to guide their lives. 
  4. On one level, the purpose and value of math seems obvious. Students need math to function as adults: to pay bills, make change, negotiate salaries, and so on. Virtually every career today requires some mathematical skill, and specialized careers usually involve advanced mathematical knowledge.
  5. Mathematical training is important because it develops a student’s ability to think logically and precisely.
  6. When Abraham Lincoln wanted to sharpen his general reasoning skills at age 40, he did so by working through Euclid’s Elements. A successful thinker must be able to structure and organize his ideas, and bring order to his mind. Mastery of math develops this mental capacity in students.
  7. A proper math education gives an individual the capacity to approach all areas of his thought and life with rigor and discipline.

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